Forever Young

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 . 0 word(s) .
hye. assalamualaikum. ohh perasan something tak? hihi blog kitew dah lain. eh oneD? haha comel je kan. ye tahu. okay now farah ada kat rumah. tengah tidur. olololo pity right? hehe. esok birthday aku and who's first? ayooooo! hahaha. ohh i hope my ex will be the first. ehh? haha memang tak la kan. sure la farah yg first. dah sah2, dia kan ada kt rumah aku. haha.

ohh hari ni best sbb ada farah. tak sah kalau tak ketawa, melalak bagai. haha. gosip? ohh gila ke tak. btw, seminggu je lagi and say Hye to school. ahh damn! tak ready lagi la wei. tambah2 toyah and the geng dah takde. seriously like.......... kay -,- for sure aku mesti turun kelas. well, thts good. i loikeeeee. haha. urghh whatever. kesah ke? ehhh mandi belum ni. malasssssssssssssss nye. gtg. laviu olss :)

Thanks for reading :)

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// Forever Young-One Direction